This page shows all the songs listed by Artists who have listed Protest Songs as on of their Genres
'Johnny Vans' (Singer/Songwriter) Visit the 'Johnny Vans' website | Email 'Johnny Vans' | see details
Heart of a lion | I know you | Aftertaste | Karma's calling
'SOLanesnuth' (Soul) Visit the 'SOLanesnuth' website | Email 'SOLanesnuth' | see details
Earnestsaini | Earnestsaini | Earnestsaini | Earnestsaini
'Kevin Hunt' (Singer/Songwriter) Visit the 'Kevin Hunt' website | Email 'Kevin Hunt' | see details
Waiting for love | all for love | drink n women | conflict of interest
'Unite Tribe' (Reggae) Visit the 'Unite Tribe' website | Email 'Unite Tribe' | see details
The old guard | Seven | For you and the morning |
'tall-order' (HipHop) Visit the 'tall-order' website | Email 'tall-order' | see details
''ticked off'' | tru coulors tribute'' | trapped in entrapment | roll up
'Voodoo Loons' (Alternative Rock) Visit the 'Voodoo Loons' website | Email 'Voodoo Loons' | see details
Hello | I Know You | Emerald | The Unabashedly Political Song
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